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3D Balls in Rainbow Background

It’s Never Too Early to Start Learning

MLES offers a high quality international education for students from preschool to high school.

The Maple Leaf Model provides a western academic orientation and preparation for admission to western universities, blended with the richness of Chinese educational traditions and culture.

The Maple Leaf Educational System's STEAM program is one of the best in China.

Science Class Microscopes
Science Class

As students of science, understanding and practicing the scientific method is an integral component to your personal growth and to the understanding of what science is. The project will take place over the entire semester, and we will guide you through the entire process from proposal to presentation. You will work in groups of at a maximum 4 (Sci10), 3 (Chem11, Phys11, Bio11) or 2 (Chem12, Phys12, Bio12).

All of the information needed to complete this project can be obtained from your teacher.

The Science Department is very proud to have our 3rd annual System Science Fair. Although Covid-19 has not allowed us to have a physical science fair, we have an online science fair to showcase our student's work and celebrate their achievements!

Our science projects can also be viewed at:

Illustrated Female Character

Projects for each category must be unique. Projects may consist of an individual student or a team of students.

Projects are to be designed and created by students. Some adult guidance is allowed, but it must be clear that all work entered by students was done by the students.

Students MUST document any work they did not create.

In some cases, they will also need to receive permission and show documentation.

All of the information needed to complete this project can be obtained from your teacher.

3D Artistic Shapes


Our Engineering Projects are incorporated within the Science and Technology Departments.


The Art Fair is a celebration of our students' artistic journey.

Maple Leaf students create the most powerful and inspiring art.

The Art Fair helps our students to communicate visually their artistic journey as they explore the world of colour.
All of the information needed to complete this project can be obtained from your teacher.

Art Display

The Math Fair is the opportunity for you to investigate some topic that is of interest to you in mathematics. You will pose a question, get it approved by your teacher, investigate it in depth, and create a fantastic visual display that will introduce others to what you have learned.

All of the information needed to complete this project can be obtained from your teacher.

Educational Toys

STEAM Vision

The Goal of the STEAM Fair is to encourage exploration and discovery and promote a deep, lifelong passion for the sciences, technology, engineering, arts, and math.Engaging in STEM activities encourage problem-solving, logical thinking, and creativity in any career that students may pursue including non-STEAM careers.

The STEAM Fair is predominantly in the form of an exhibition of top work done by students (in a non-competitive mode) in the various departments.

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